Kamis, 15 November 2012

3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini

Halo Alfan!
Berikut ini 3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini.
Tim Google+
Konten terpopuler di Google+Lihat yang lagi ngetren
Federal officials are looking into reports of 13 deaths possibly connected to 5-Hour Energy, a liquid "shot" that contains caffeine and other compounds, +The New York Times reports.

Read more: http://nbcnews.to/UIFsGk
Photo: 5-Hour Energy
+484 - 385 komentar - 287 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Twenty Apps Every Android Photographer Should Have

Back in February, I shared this post on the 20 best apps every Android Photographer should have. Since then, alot has changed and Android is easily the most used smart phone platform on the planet. As I begin to put together my second listing of apps, I want to ask for your help.

What are your favorite +Android  Photography apps currently available on the +Google Play store that are not listed in the included link?

* If you have an Android device, join...
Twenty Apps Every Android Photographer Should Have | Colby Brown Photography
Android has been make large strides in offering a compelling alternative to Apple and IOS in the photo industry. Here are 20 apps every Android Photog should have.
+362 - 73 komentar - 148 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Notifikasi ini telah dikirim ke trotoar.tegal@gmail.com.Tidak ingin menerima pembaruan tak berkala tentang aktivitas dan saran teman Google+? Ubah jenis email yang dikirim Google+ kepada Anda.Tim Google+

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