Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

It's Nice to See You

• Responding to expressions of greeting, introducing and
• Responding to recount texts
• Using expressions of greeting, introducing and parting
• Performing a monologue of recount texts
• Identifying meanings and information of a recount text
• Reading recount texts
• Writing a recount text
• Writing short diaries

The correct response for the expression is ....
a. Hello, Cut Nia. Nice to meet you.
b. Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you.
The correct response is (b) Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo.
Nice to meet you.
1. a.  Good morning. What's your name?
 b. Good morning. I'm Deni.
2. a. How do you do?
 b. Hi, Desi. How are you?
3. a.  I'm just fine.
 b. Good morning. My name is Risa.
4. a. What's your name?
 b. Hi, Rudi. Nice to see you.
5. a. Good bye. Nice to meet you.
 b. Glad to meet you, too.

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